Social Media Burnout
As someone whose career is based around social media, I feel like this topic comes up in conversation a lot. Whether it is with business owners, individuals who are content creating, and even those who are consuming content. Everyone has an opinion on the trajectory of social media.
I recently had a friend say that she thinks people are experiencing some level of burnout with social media.
I have had friends say they are tired of Instagram but love TikTok. They go there for the funny, less staged, more real content. Real-life discussions, or topics, as opposed to a “perfect” photo or video.
I have heard comments that everyone is tired of the blatant consumerism, and items always being tagged. Trends moving so fast. Real vs promoted products.
I understand all of the above. And, here is my take.
Instagram: I THINK Instagram will always be about a pretty aesthetic, I don’t think that will change. They tried to make it like TikTok with reels, but I don’t think that’s why people go there. It is everyone’s highlight reel. Even if you aren’t a “creator” your feed has nice pics of your family, vacations, and momentous events. Instagram is what it is, you just can’t take it too seriously. That is why I started this substack because I was craving REAL, in a world of fluff, staged, perfectly curated feeds! I think stories are where it’s at, and where creators are getting the most views/engagement.
I have had friends tell me they don’t scroll the feed anymore but they do look at stories.
Creator Burnout: As a creator, social media has become extremely saturated. For those of us who started pre-instagram, it is a grind to keep up; unless you are working on it 24/7. I think creators are burnt out because there is so much to keep up with, it’s changing every week. Do lip-synch and viral dances, oh wait carousel posts are back, now do TikTok, and substack, and don’t post every day, and don’t do hashtags anymore. IT’S EXHAUSTING! LOL! It is SO much to keep up with.
With that said, if you are a business you have to invest in your social media. Nobody goes to websites first anymore. They will 1000% stalk you on Instagram first, then click the link in your bio to book, or contact you, or to shop.
As a creator, it is best to be consistent, find your niche, be real, offer value to your readers. People want to be either educated, entertained, or find some sort of personal connection with your posts.
Re: Consumerism: There is not a lot of return on the time investment for smaller accounts creating content. But, that doesn’t bother me. My personal page isn’t my full-time job. My page has always just been a creative outlet for fun. Over time it became more time-consuming, and so getting compensated was a nice perk!
My whole original blog was built on “great finds”. I was linking LONG before commissionable links. I think if links annoy you, you need to unfollow those creators.
I do think that creators need to find a balance in sharing more than just things you can buy. But honestly, so many accounts revolve around sharing fashion, home, or beauty and so for the time and effort they put into their content, (not to mention everyone will ask them anyway where to get the item) links are just fine.
Sponsored Posts: Sponsored posts + gifted products are never going away. Brands are investing a lot in influencers right now, because guess what, they are good at what they do. Each person has some sort of a niche following, in different pockets of the world. They can probably spend less and reach an infinitely larger # of people than they would with a magazine print ad or billboard. We as creators have to disclose if we are paid to promote the product. Every brand decides if they want to give the creator freedom to deliver their message, but many send out strict detailed outlines that creators have to follow. This is why you will see many of the big creators promoting the same product at the same time. These are like mini commercials, streaming through your favorite social media apps.
Unfortunately, magazines have died and social media is our new place to find inspiration. The best part is, that we now can tap the screen and get the item for ourselves in less than 10 minutes. Do you remember reading 17 Magazine and trying to find the actual product that was featured?! It was IMPOSSIBLE! Outside of drugstore beauty, and Clinique of course :)
TikTok: I love it over there. It is wild on TikTok; totally unhinged, but I am here for it! I see the most random stuff, and it is very entertaining. I feel like I see a lot of educational stuff on there too! My feed right now is babies and prom dresses. lol!!!!! If you want to follow me there, I do 90% different content. I am @agingunfiltered
I think if you are a creator or a consumer having burnout, give yourself a social media break! I did it for 2 weeks last year, and it was the best I really want to do it again, but it is HARD!!!! I also recommend cleansing your feed; removing any accounts that trigger you, make you feel bad about yourself, or make you compare your life. I had to do that too, and it was the best thing I have done!!!
What are your thoughts on Social Media? I would love know!!